Yun Hyejeong is an artist based in Berlin. Her work explores societal dynamics within hegemonic power structures through personal narratives. She analyzes social structures, creates allegorical connections, and deconstructs colonial myths through moving images, installations, and performances. Yun‘s practice engages her body, voice, language, and poetry to map political landscapes, focusing on intersectional identities, decolonization, and the collective memories of migration.
She is the founder of Heisse Maroni and a member of the Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research (AFSAR)

Her work has been featured at international festivals, including the Asian American International Film Festival, New York City; European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück; Bali International Film Festival, Bali; Experimental Film and Video Festival, Seoul; and Film Festival for Women‘s rights, Seoul.

Solo Show

Where Water Remembers, Seoul, KR

Group Shows (selection)

Back to where we have started from (w/ Eli Cortiñas), Museum für Photographie Braunschweig X Halle267 Städtische Galerie Braunschweig, DE
Tillering (with AFSAR SiSalon), News Museum, Seoul, KR
All In: A Future Agglomeration, OMO Artspace, Berlin, DE
Breath, breath, breath, wind, wind, wind, 6okken Art Festival DAI6OKKAN, Yamanashi, JP
Whispers of the Kawaii Witches (collective w/ Naomi Shintani Deibel and Johanna Riedl), Same Gallery, Tokyo, JP
Narrowing Forest (w/ Sara Akiyama), Kusakabe Gallery, Kyoto, JP
Ho-Wa, Myoman-ji Temple, Kyoto, JP

Coming Home. The End of Colonial Phantasms, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, DE, cur. Aleksandra Domanović, Hochschulgalerie und online, Braunschweig, DE
Präsentation der Deutschlandstipendiat*innen 2022/23, Hochschulgalerie, Braunschweig, DE
Teleidoscope. The Melting Mirror, OMO Artspace, Berlin, DE
I lived in the corner of a room, Kanagawa, JP

Rendering Real, 45th AAIFF Asian American International Film Festival, New York City, US
NOT TOO CLOSE, Mönchehaus Museum Goslar, DE
Collections Privées, Rue des Trévires 8, Etterbeek, BE

Random Access Memories, Galerie After The Butcher, Berlin, DE
I’M NOT IN, Galerie byvier, Köln, DE

Spit John,, DE
Präsentation der Deutschlandstipendiat*innen 2019/2020, Hochschulgalerie, Braunschweig, DE

Swim John, cur. Thomas Becker and Nele Kaczmarek, Freibad Bürgerpark, Braunschweig, DE
10 Jahre Whatever, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig, DE

GONE SEXUAL, Galerie tête, Berlin, DE

Screenings (selection)
17. FIWOM Film Festival for Women's Rights, Seoul, KR 
Full Time Screen (with Rita Macedo), Humboldt Medientheater, Berlin, DE

Trans Urban X Cinema, Mobiles Kino, Braunschweig, DE
Berlin Artspring Film 2023, Brotfabrik KINO, Berlin, DE

19.EXiS Seoul International Experimental Film Festival, Seoul, KR
MFW8 Bali Internațional Film Festival, Bali, ID
EMAF European Media Art Festival No. 35 campus, Osnabrück, DE

EMAF European Media Art Festival No. 34 campus, Osnabrück, DE
35th BIFF Braunschweig International Film Festival, Braunschweig, DE

Das Andere Screening, Das Andere Kino, Lehrte, DE

Performances / Talks / Workshops (selection)

Performance AFSAR SiSalon X Don Mee Choi,  AN(8)X festival 1.0: shards, shards, whisper and flare, Berlin, DE    
Performance Bluuurrrreeedddd, 6okken Art Festival DAI6OKKAN, Yamanashi, JP
Workshop Visual Poetry Visual Essay: Undocumented ( ) Unlearning ( ) Unrelated ( ) (with Yan Lin of AFSAR),  Berlin University of the Arts (UDK), Berlin
Workshop Sound Hide and Seek, 6okken residency, Yamanashi, JP

Workshop & Talk Kolonialismus als Katalysator von Rassismus, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Niedersachsen & Kunstverein Wolfsburg, DE
Performance DAS NEUE WIR with VITAMIN B, Bundestkunsthalle Bonn, DE
Performance How Kimchi Becomes Red, Braunschweig, DE
Workshop Kimchi Tortillas mit Renato Vazquez Patino, Braunschweig, DE

Talk, RENDERING REAL, 45th Asian American International Film Festival, New York City, US
#Smalltalk, European Media Art Festival EMAF. 35, Osnabrück, DE
Talk, Matbaezip, Daejeon, KR

#Smalltalk, European Media Art Festival EMAF. 34, Osnabrück, DE


Yun Hyejeong: Only a Failed Tiger, publ. Heisse Maroni, Berlin, DE
새-끼-어 ae-kki-eo, publ. AFSAR SiSalon, Berlin/Seoul, DE/KR
Feminist Magazine FAQ?‘s ZINE publ. FAQ., Tokyo, JP            

Rehearsed Spontaneity, publ. Luisa Ungar & Hochschule für Bildende Künste  Braunschweig, DE

NOT TOO CLOSE, publ. Mönchehaus Museum Goslar, DE
Objektpermanenzobjekte publ. Fabian Schneiker, Braunschweig, DE

DIY OR DIE ZINE publ. Chelsea College of Art & Design London, UK
SHUN vol. 4: Kontakt, SHUN Photography magazine, Braunschweig, DE

Swim John publ. Kunstverein Braunschweig & Hochschule für Bildende Künste  Braunschweig, DE